Visualizing cultures is the website I chose. It is very easy to navigate and the home page is very simple. I think this website would be most useful for high school and even for other lower grades. It is from MIT, a reliable source that most students need to evaluate their electronic sources. The website has counteless of primary sources including information and essay about each picture. Another feature that I really liked about this website is the time line about Asian history. There are units with unit titles and online resources from the website. This will eliminate limited time students have in the classroom to complete thier research about a given topic. In case students need to print any of the visual text, there is a friendly option to print. The website has black background with few, but very useful tabs to complete research efficiantly. The black background make the picutures really pop so we can appriciate more the primary resources that are black and white. The website includes art, pictures, maps, essays, lesson plans, lesson hand outs, museums resources about Asian history from various counties. I will use the website to compare and contrast the technology progress on ship building with my fourth grade class.