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    Wow! This has to be one of the most premiere and thorough websites for teaching about Asia.The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia has a plethora of innovative, interesting, and helpful resources that teachers can bring into their classrooms to get students excited and learning about Asia. The resources I found very interesting include iBooks – Available in iTunes (free download, Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki, by Sarah Campbell, http://nctasia.org/top-ten-things-know-east-asia-21st-century/, The Digital Classroom at NARA (National Archives and Records Administration), Postcards from Asia, Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas,and Education About Asia (EAA) Magazine.

    One of my goals this year is to incorporate podcasts in my classroom. The postcards from Asia resource has 60 second podcasts from children in China, Japan, Korea, and Mongolia that share their unique real life experiences. In a media driven society this resource will motivate my students to respect, appreciate, and learn more about the history and culture of Asia. The podcasts are a great strategy to teach listening and comprehension skills.

    This easy to navigate website has sections that include: book awards, programs, resources, about, courses, and news.
    I found the NEWS section to be the section that I would implement in my classroom. The digital layout is colorful,informative, aesthetically beautiful, and very engaging for students to quickly absorb knowledge and explore the enriching culture of Asia.

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