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EQ: How do new governments solidify their power and shape historical narratives?
“There is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism.” - Walter Benjamin
Rationale - The study of 10th grade World History is in many ways the study of governmental power & change - revolutions, the rise of nation states, and the growth (and challenges) of democracy are all themes that carry through the course of the year. As such, using the creation of the Yamato state early in the year will help provide a case study for the creation of states and their accompanying myths. The treatment and resistance of ethnic minorities that is a part of this history also provides a strong counter-narrative to the traditional founding narratives societies often tell about themselves.
Skills & Standards - CA HSS Content Standards: 10.1.2. 10.2.1 CA HSS Analysis Skills (9-12): Historical Research, Evidence, and Point of View 4; Historical Interpretation 1
4 Day Lesson Plan:
Objective |
SWBAT analyze historical trends and patterns in order to answer the question, “How do new governments solidify their power and shape historical narratives?” |
Overview |
Day One:
Activities |
Day One:
Day Two:
Day Three:
Day Four-Five
Summative Assessment |
Day 6+:
Students will write an essay responding to the prompt, “How do new governments solidify their power and shape historical narratives?” This essay will use evidence from the creation of the Yamato state and the research on other nation-state formations conducted by the class. The author will synthesize and critically analyze different perspectives in order to explain patterns and trends evident across each step of the process. As an additional ELA extension, students can write or illustrate a counternarrative creation myth of the Yamato state.