I really like the ideas that you suggest here. I think that using the classroom as an example is a great idea. I imagine bringing in more chairs of desks to help illustrate the growing population. I feel that it could help show resource scarity and help them understand the aspects of the slowing of Economic Development.
I teach Middle School Science, but feel that Geography is a vital support to Science. I like to focus on Geography as part of our Weekly study of different Organisms. It is important that Students understand the context and environment of organims to really understand the organisms. I don't remember ever learning about Asian geography in school, beyond recognizing the largest countries in the area (not many beyond China and Japan). What little I knew about the geography of the area came from my own traveling and studying as an adult. I also found it incredible to learn that there is current fighting over the China-Indian border in the mountains.
I found learning about Asia's declining fertility very interesting. I have read about this issue in certain European countries, but have not read as much about the issue in Asia. I knew that in Japan that women were delaying marriage and families but had not realized the severity of the issue. China's large population is always spoken of so it was interesting to learn that a declining population is an issue there too. I like how the decrease in birthrate is linked with the need of more technology and automation. The declining and aging population leaves the countries needing more machine assistance.
For my students we cover Evolution. Part of that Unit we discuss population rates and fertiliity rates of animal populations. It would be interesting to have the students also study population trends of the countries of Asia.
My name is Betsy Telle. I teach 8th Grade Science at Dr Julian Nava Learning Academy for LAUSD. This is my third year as a teacher. I am currently teaching 100% remotely from home. Pre-Covid I travelled quite a bit. I thankfully was able to travel quite a bit last year before the shutdown. Since quaratine, I have begun hiking a trail near my house several days a week. I've been trying to eat healthier and excercise more.