This period of time did stifle the exchange and development ideas in some ways because of the competitive nature of the different Kingdoms. However, this was a great time for the exchange of ideas for example, Buddhism became established in China. Without the centralization of one empire/ruler, people were able to be creative and explore their curiosity. There were advancements technology and an explosion of the arts: poetry, paintings, and carvings to name a few.
There are so many lessons that this information can be incorporated into. We can work on creating our own myths based on the Qin Dynasties triumph on the battlefields and focus on legalism. We could also work on compare and contrast activities with students comparing focal points between this dynastic period and another civilization from this period in time. Students could choose arts, politics, marriage, class, agriculture, religion, economy, death, philosophies, or another topic where they could come up with an argumentative claim and provide evidence for such claim. The idea of standardization and legalism can be compared to our society today. We could explore why the different punishments and ideals changed over time and have open ended discussions about this topic. We discuss some of the ideals that still exist today and why? Having a dedicated discussion about power and who gets to deliver the historical narrative. The information about the Han Dynasty reminded me somewhat of the Age of Enlightenment and voila we could work on the different achievements of this time period.
Wen found a true representation of peace and tranquility. He found a grotto filled with people who had lived their for centuries in escape of the horrors of war. He lost his perception of his reality...was this real at all? Finding this isolated place could have caused him to lose his peace of mind. Prior to finding this place he was resting on the river, fishing, and floating aimlessly thinking of nothing at all. I was struggling with the idea of perhaps he was intoxicated and potentially dreamed all of this up. The values the story conveys are patriachy, respect for elders, wanting of peace, and trust.
Just a quick thought. The nature of some humans was on full display over the past couple weeks. Who would have thought that people would be fighting over toilet paper and having a knife pulled on you over hand sanitizer? Although I know that there is good in the majority of society I have to say that this shocked me. I am looking forward to finishing the readings and getting back to where we left off. Thank you!
I think there's still that one foot in the past and needing to retain power. I think you will see these policies slowly fade away with the people who are holding onto them. There's a new era that will be ushered into China. If we take into account all of the changes that are taking place now I doubt that these bygone policies will last much longer. Major changes will take place...they have to.
I am so fortunate to have responded to the email seeking teachers to attend the seminars on Asia last year which put me into the pipeline of attending these additional courses. As I continue with the courses my depth of knowledge expands more and more. It is not only my students who benefit from me attending these courses, but I do as well as an educator. I feel so lucky to be able to learn and share what I have learned with my students. Everything sort of lined up perfectly as we continue to have more and more conversations about China at school; random conversations but they matter. Also, taking these courses help me see things from the other's perspective. That perhaps what I know, what little I know, is its own propaganda. From culture, family, government, finances, science, the people, technology, and progress this course covered it all. This course has helped put into perspective the years of information that I had received growing up and then contrasting that with what I learned in these few short weeks. China is a country just like any other country that is finding its way and has its political challenges, these challenges look different, but the US is going through its own balancing act. The biggest take away for me is how China still has a ways to go before it is settled in its identity. Even though there will be challenges along the way, the beauty is that if the decision is made to create a country for the people, it will definitely be a country to be reckoned with. I look forward to continuing my learning and hope there are other offerings in the near future about modern China.
I have not seen or heard about awful! I think people in the US need to calm down as well. There are so many bugs, viruses, and bacteria to contend with. There is a certain hysteria that is being created that is insighting violence, racism, and tanking the global marketplace. I hope that people will soon become level-headed and handle the issue in a way that is in the best interests of people and not sensationalize this for whatever agenda. Can't imagine reacting to a personal crisis the way this is being conveyed on the news. I just hope this doesn't continue on for too long and for people to start recovering soon.
HI Aleida,
Another interesting point is when the Chinese were constructing the Transcontinental Railroad andthey were having their information recorded, they did not want to be referred to as farmers. Many listed their specialties and different talenets as their occupations. I think this was pretty cool.
Power/Perspective - Neolithic Warring States
I like the idea of having my students explore historical memory vs historical narrative and who typically gets to tell history. In looking at the artifacts students can take the perspective as a peasant, artisan, or ruler on someone in this classification. Information can be frontloaded with images for context and we can write from the different perspectives of what it was like to live during this period of time from a first person and otherwise fact based perspective after conducting research. Currently, my students must research an ancient civilization that they would like to learn more about and then develop their own inquiry question to answer. I am definitly going to present this as an option along with others because we have so many artifacts and ideals that are still relevant.
Debate or Socratic Seminar - Chinese Philosophy
Confuscianism, Daosim, Mohism, and Legalism
I love the idea of debate but this didn't go over too well last year, but am eager to try it again. Oh the ideas that come up when we are more present without the distractions of technology. I would be interested in working on a unit and assign each group a philosophy to research and then jigsaw. We can work this into a debate and also a socratic seminar activity. I would poll the class and see which activity they want to choose between the debate and socratic seminar. Again, we can do research or read articles, take notes on the beliefs of each philosophy, share out and then defend our points of view. We can also participate in an activity that compares and contrasts with the philosophies and religions that laid the foundation for the early US.
Philosophical and Religious Traditions
How do religions and philosophies align or where do they intersect? This is a question definitely worth exploring.
Hi Samantha,
I too want to go into these discussions with more than surface level knowledge and am hoping to step behind a head nod to actually applying this information. It is compelling how indepth this information is explained and just how much there is to learn about East Asia and the influence this region has had all over the world.
I really want my principal in the room when we have this discussion. There's a mild hysteria going on here in Pasadena. It is starting to feel like my district does not have a firm grasp on communicating best practices and information to families. It would be great if we were more proactive than reactive. I'm wondering why there isn't already a plan in place in the event of a widespread illness whether this virus or some sort of mass food poisoning. I know this is serious, but crisis are better handled by level-headed and informed people. The BIG thing for me, which shocked me, was the blatant disrespect towards my Filipino student. On another note, my husband went to the store last night because we needed gloves or cleaning...forget about it.
Still looming in the details of the Coronavirus and the political and economical impact of this virus are the actual human lives that are being lost and effected by the transmission and handling of this illness. Understanding that since the beginning of time illnesses have been transmitted through travel, but that there is more of spotlight on the issue because of the frequency in which information is shared through media and technology. Of course this is a major issue that we will continue to follow. Well, it almost impossible to escape the conversation and headlines because of the global impact this illness is having.
The geographic landscape and population dispersment is most interesting with China's landmass and hope there is the opportunity through the BRI to perhaps take advantage of the its size. If China is able to capitalize on its land and the population subsequently increases, what about water?
The cleanup efforts in Japan after 3/11 was so impressive and speaks to the culture of the people.
An issue that binds us all, that was a hot topic topic today, was the aging population and pairing that with younger people who are not having children and still relying on their parents to find their way...I think in that regard I am thinking more about China and the US having this issue. Also, I found it interesting the distribution of household incomes and how the two countries spend their incomes. We touched on a lot this morning and discussed various ways to include the content in our curriculum in terms of geographic location in relation to the US. We have more in common than we may think.
Hi Aleida,
The similarities between China and the US captivated me. My district is closing schools because people who can afford to live in our area are sending their children to private school, not having children, having one child, or are moving to areas that are less expensive.
Hi my name is Billie and I teach 6th grade ELA and History in Pasadena at McKinley School. I am a second year teacher and the more I teach I want to know more. I always look forward to these courses to get learn how to teach content in depth and pick up presentation preparation and delivery tips.
Unfortunately, pandemics happen so I do hope that this potential one does not act as a roadblock. I think this is a learning opportunity for all affected countries.