Through art history course and paiting course the main painters tend to always be men. Historicaly, women aritst are forgotten and unacknowlegde. It is very rare to know of women artist and if so, the women repsent themselves under the surname of a man or were not creddited. It is refreshing to have the opportunity to learn of women artist within the Choson Dynasty even if only five were credited for their art. Sin Saimdang, was the first recorder female painter in Korean history and the most prominent although, it is very unfortunate that this is mostly due to the recognition she recieved as Yi I mother. Regardlesss, learning about her paintings has been wonderful and I believe introducing a woman artist to students is benefical in rlevancy of viewing "ouselves" in the artist rather than only viewing and learning ablotu male artist of the past.
The story of Tan'gun captured my attention the most at the start of video one. I have heard of many stories that relate as to how humans came to be and I believe this is the first where the animals were chosen to become human rather than coming from a aprt of the God itself. I think this a great story for students to compare against other mythology stories as a lesson. One thing that can be pointed out by them as well, is the fact that the first human was a woman. This is very rare and I believe it would empower the young girls in the course. It shows them how prior to the schoolsl of thought, critianity and such, women where actually equal to men.
I too found the Silk Road comparison to be intresting. Not only does accomplisment such as the high speed infratstructure bring opportunitites for the Chinese people but other countries as well. It is been thought of implementing high speed infratstructure within the United States as well. Little by little China is changing the way of travel not only in their country but in others as well.
I found the concept you brought up as to why China believes it is an appropriate partner for those countries. I too would understand the concept of trying to relate with them and help. It seems as those who critize China might be looking out for what benefits them the most rather than the other countries. If China continues to build allies it can be come a powerful nationwhich is something the UN does not want to occur. It is almost a term of fate onto who will accept which concept.
Tara, I find it facinating learning how the exports system works. It sheds a light at what is still occuring and being importated from one ouf the biggest manufatures. Even though you believe the decision for China to become a green mercantilism is to make more profit, it is till benefiting the green movement. Hopefully these leads them to continue to improve other areas within thier country and production, enhancing the quality of life and products.
All roads Lead to China by Masood, was such an intresting read. I find it very facinating how he connected the Silk Road of the past to the sharing of science. Just as the Silk Road influenced the world in the past, today science is reshaping the world. Chinese leaders see scienece as a central element in building bridges with other conuntries. Thus providing many the opportunity to study and research, China is giving over 1,300 graduates from dozens of countries to execute research to help solve scientific problems. Some of these problems are issues that occur in the countries the students belong in. In realitity, the Chinese Academy of Science is helping these student better their countries.
With its global-scale Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and railway-building exertions in Southeast Asia, China is now arguably the world's largest builder and proponent of big infrastructure. This is shown in thier new Railroads which have drastically changed travel time and dropped from about four hours to about one hour in only a few years. China created competitive high- speed rail industry. Some of the resoans Lampton presents is thier abvialbility of "cheap capital", excess capacity in steel and cement, the ability to focus resources on champion industries and projects, and a surging tide of PRC engineering and other talent. Some even play into politcial culture and the origins have also played a part in this powerful "machine". Rather all these capabililtes is pushing outer countries to partake in the situation so China does not become the center of PRC.
As a Daosit, I would defend my father. Believeing that we represent the true nature of the world, we live a life expressing the essence of spontanetiy. My father only "commited" a crime under the believes of the "leaglist", those which we do not follow. Therefore, I would not turn in my father.
Jade this such an excellent idea! For those of us who could not easily connect some of these themes into our courses, this activity would be excellent during my advisory. It would provide the opportunity to learn new subjects potrayed as a game. Students would be able to connect with each other throughout the process, which is one of the most important parts of the advisory but overall, they would get a different perspective of the world.
I too found this practice extremly facinating. The fact that this practice can be connected to other cultures and present day religions can allow for a facinating lesson. Students can learn about the importance these oracle bones had for those cultures and religions. From there the students would design their connecting thier own personal touch to the deisgn. Teaching students to have an open mind on practices such as these and learn about them can cause them to understand others and be willing to take in the information.
I don't think school of thoughts can really develop in a vacuum. Some of the schools oppose each other and actually came to be as a direct response to each other such as Confucianisim and Doaism. It demonstrates that the schools evolved out of exterior influence. Without one of the school of thoughts the other would not exist and if we think about it a lot of belief systems tend to start of that way, in response to another.
Early Chinese Philosophy has had an effect on all east asia not just China. China has tried putting cultural ideas out through Confusion institutes and Chinese langugae world wide, including the US. Symbols belonging to Confusionism have become very popular and still very 21st century, for example, the Ying and Yang symbol. It has been part of company logos, seen on tattoosos of younger kids, designs on clothing brands, etc. Some know its menaing of blance, within the male is the female and within the female is the male; good and bad. It has connected Asian Heritage to other locations of the world. Although, there is the concern of appropriation, symbols are the easiets to transfer to other parts of the world. With that symbol a meaning follows. Symbols travel and are important because it is one way to pass on tradtion, cultural values, teachings, and knowledge.
I believe it is important to invent what is considered "cultural heros" because it allows the community to have something or someone to justtify and enforce the believe or thought the "hero" represents. Even though it is different, in a way it can resemebles religious and spiritual entities. Within these two areas, amongst others, there is multiple people/"cultural heroes" who have gone through a journey and resulted in a moral lesson. It provides the opportunity to create morals and guidance for the community. These types of conversations can pop up in my course if I focus on folklore artwork. Talking about folklores/Cultural heros or villans about different culture and connecting it to thier own culture. That is one way to make it intresting and relevant. Further I think having them create artwork based on the folklore, for example what they think the journey was like, how the person/create looks, etc. This would be a fun art piece for them.
I too was very shocked when the charts showing the importanceof education in the Unidted States was a thin sliver. I know there is educational issues withn the US but it was still very sad to see where within importance it stands on a chart. I think this is very valuable information to show students. It is food for thought, viewing how valued their education is in the country they live. I think I would make this an Advisory/Homeroom activity, on our campus our adisovry is for Social Emotional Learning. It would give the students the opportunity to think about the concept, talk about it, and formulate possible ways of changing the view towards education in the United States.
Cynthia, such an intrigiuing lesson. I think students would really benefit from learning the affects water fluctuations can have on a society. This can provide them opportuntiy to view the occurnace it has had on other communites such as those in the United States. One theme that I think you should incoporate is poilitcal conflit. Ask students to invetigate if the flucutation in settlements and the chnage in the river has cause political tenstion or war eith neighoring settlements or countires. An example can be the war of 1962 between China and India.