It is amazing to be able to find stories about youth during these hard times allowing students to connect at a deeper level. Another book that can be used is "Daughters of the Dragons" which focuses on a young girl that was tricked into the prostitution camps. It gos further into how it affected her life and those of her future generations. I feel like this would allow students to see multiple perspectives of those who are affected in the war. Students would be able to relate in many ways to those within these stories.
I too recently learned about comfort women and did not realize Dutch women were within the forced prostitution. From what I had previously learned in seminars and through reading was that many of the women where from other regions in Asia inculidng Japanese. Further, I find it infurtiating that due to the culture of silence within Korea only soilders confrotned by Dutch women were punished for the crimes.
I think this is an amazing idea! If you would like to take this into an art/music form, the stduents can create two abstract drawings of how they feel when listening to the music. One can be music of their culture while the other can relate to the Korean radio (of that time or contemporary). Students would then have to research and listen to Korean music causing them to be more involved and to express how it makes them feel compared to their own cultural sound.
The Korean war is one of the most forgotten wars within the United States. If asked many remember the World War's, the Cold War, the Vietnam war, but normally we do not mention the Korean War. I have learned that in San Perdro there is a gift given to the Americans by the Koreans called the "Friendship Bell" in as a symbol of friendship and thankfulness of the support given by the US to the Koreans during the war. In art, much of the historical and cultural aspects of Korea can be used to teach students who are of Korean decent and those of different cultures the similarities and differences that unite us. One activity that can connect situations that are occuring in contemporay America and in Historical Korea such as the involunteary suffering of women and war is a poetry format called Sijo. Sijo is a short poem that can be used to express the situations students are experienceing at the moment and embelish it with a drawing to fully express their feelings and emotions. Students can connect the maltreatment of women and children in the ICE detainment camps to those of "comfort women" into the suffering of the Korean war to that of the Armenian Geniocide that is once again repeating itself.
Using art such as photographs, woodblocks and paitings are excellent at teaching students the conntection between history and art. Art allows us to grasp the world and enterpet what is ocurring and how it is affecting us. It can teach children the power visual imagery might have and how they too can partake in the affect they can have on others. Further it allows them to understand the past at a higher level from multiple points of views. This can also be a great lesson that comapres political, economic, or social stances during a specific time in History.
Tara, your suggestion to Thomas comment is perfect. Having students become aware of their own trash and how it can be recycled into art is valuable. I actually have a booked focused in Africa and the way a women came across multiple plastic bags poisining thier community. She decided to make a change and by collecting all the plastic bags, the woman started making bags, bracelts and more out of the bags. Selling them and teaching other women in the village the skilled art, they were able to fix the ecosystem and econoy of the village. I believe this story is perfect for all grades to hear as well as to atempt. Perhpas creating a weaved basket out of platice bags that can be used for recycling or trash could be a fun and intresting project.
As mentioned in the session, it really takes the Empire to understand and see the value in incoporating Western Ideals. The fight of losing culture actually cause China to loose a majority of tradtions and power. Compared to Japan that decided to embrace Western Ideals and choose what elements would be incoproated into the modernization of Japan. Even though it is still a question for you, I believe your comment on Japans past being the key to transition into global modernization can be true. It seems to make more sense.
It is saddening to learn that many countries that colonized smaller countries or regions within used the Western powers as refernce. It continues to worsen when we learn that Hitler also took to the United States when it came to organizing the Holocuast; focusing on the treatment of Native Americans. I think your comment about the Great Britan and the U.S. being part of the inspiration for the Japanese Empire yet also being the ones to form the Allies during WII, really caught my attntion. That never really came to mind and I believe moments and realizations such as these are excellent to incorporate into the classroom. Students should realize that they need to look further into thier studies and question the "heros".
Unfortunately, the winning country is always the beneficiary of the war. The Treay of Nanjing is an unfair treaty all around whch only weakens China even more, allowing others to take advantage of it. I think this would be an excellent moment to teach students the benefits of being the dominat power within history and how that allowed powerful nations to take advantage of others
I believe one way students can understand what the treaties affected and how it might till this day affect the perception of forigners is by providing them primary sources. Sections of the treaites themselves can allow students to disect them at a deeper level and put themselves in the shoes of thiose who originally recieved the document. Further I believe correlating it to an unequal treaty closer to home such as those created in the United Sates for Indigenous people can get them in the mindset of how they have occured throughout all of history. Making the treaties a bit more relevant by connecting it to situations still affecting us, the students can understand how these treaties could affect how the ones having it oposed on them suffer in gernerations to come.
This treat is labeled unequal because all the requirments are in regards to the Majesty of China being at fault. Brittan made sure that they would have free will to do as they please in China and the government was to accept it without an argueement. Asiade from Brittan given her subjects freedom to roam within China, she requested the Majesty of China to pay money for incidents that had occur leaving China to suffer financially. The main beneficiary of this agreement was Brittan. As a result, Brittan was able to access China at it's full contempt.
Students can learn about economic growth and economic development through a trade activity. Perhaps students can be set in groups and ecah group posesses a specific object. All are able to successful trade at first and as the economy growths it can show the students how they can barely manage to produce enough products. As it continues to grow adding people who cannot contribue to the workforce the students will realize how a country can not be succsessful if the oly growth it has is that within the population. Now one way to compare is having groups become two seprate countries but one will have both economic growth and development. Once the activity is finished they can do a compare and contrast of the outcome to both situations.
What an interesting and creative way to introduce power shift to students! I love the concept of using a larger magnet yet weaker to demonstrate how size is not always the stronger power. You mention explaingin to the students the reasoning being the lack of electromagnetic force within the larger magnet, I think this can lead into a group activity where the students will then reaserach as to what were the reasonings for China's weakness. For example, it was mentioned that China's resitance to the Western Ideals compared to Japan that was open to integration of cultures. These can be ideas connected to both the science and historical aspect of the lesson.
I agree with you Lizbeth, it is intersting to know the US has the lowest rate of youth voters in the world but unfortunately it is not shocking. Comapred to other countires (of course not all), youth in U.S. do not go through the same suffrage and political issues as others at their age. Untill recently, the youth have started to become more invovled in the political world due to the avialbility of technology such as the internet and on-hand cameras that allow for more viiolence, opression, or ideals to be exposed. I believe this would be a great opportunity to demonstrate how being aware of current political and social issues can affect the course of action they as the youth are willing to take. It can even be conneted to visual imagery or technological creation and motivate students to come up with their own political/social poster. Another option would be to come up with an app that would allow the youth to be connected and aware of what is occuring in the world and be provide with resources and options of the action that could be taken to help support a cuase.
Comapre to China, Japan was able to assimilate to estern Western Culture at a more successful rate. Japan was able to assimilate technologies and systems they deemed useful, while still maintaining a nationalist identity that was uniquely culturally and politically Japanese. The Japanese were able to plan better and be proactive in sending a knowledge expedition known as the Iwakura Mission, where they went around the world to study the upcoming transitions others were going through. In my opinion, Japan was able to prepare more effectively for Western influences by taking control over which foreign reforms to implement, as well as how.