I found the introduction to be informative and Interesting. I was actually surprised by the amount of significance that has been placed on women in the culture. There seems to me that honoring women is more prevalent than I have imagined in the past. Attmittingly, however, this is really my first time learning anything about Korea as a whole. What is also interesting to me are the significant inventions that have come from Korea. The Curriculum that I have taught recently places more of the inventions from China, and skims over Korean achievements. Also interesting to me is the clear differences between the two countries. South Korea being much more technologically advanced, and North Korea, being a communistic dictatorship, tend to put the focus on the power of the government, with less emphasis on the advancement of individual people. The flags of the 2 countries also portray where the country is placing the emphasis. This would be a good infographic to help students visualize differences between the countries and have them create an understanding that can be seen when comparing different countries and how they can see how flag representations can be interpreted.