It has been a real pleasure learning from ALL of you!
One book that I have not seen referenced so far (Or did I miss it?) is "The Orphan Masters' Son. Adam Johnson won a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for it in 2013, and while harrowing, there are some parts that just...stay with you..
This was one of the most valuable sections for me as I welcome my four new Korean teeangers to ESL class in a month. Whether virtually or in person, I appreciate this valuable backgound on current culture. There is so much here! Thank you!
I had trouble reading the articles because they were scanned in sideways. Nevertheless, I found the video lecture interesting. How did Kim Jong Il ensure regime survival? He used the military over the party to enforce his agenda of "defending" and put in younger leaders rather than older who might not wholeheartedly support him. The Sunshine Policy appears to attempt to bridge the economic inequalities between the two Koreas and restore communication bewteen North and South, especially for families.
Question: In one slide the use of "Guest Workers" in South Korea is mentioned. However, in the slide it appears they are protesting. Where are the majority of these guest workers from? and do they suffer the same inequalities those in the Middle East do?
It starts with the cultish adoration of a person. The throwback to a revered idol like Confucius-making the uneducated believe the new cult leader is like the revered historical person. Then the indoctrination of children in the schools. This is how Kim Jong Un insinuated himself into the people of North Korea. Other forces divided the two Koreas during the The Korean War and the Cold War- without much input from the people themselves. i can't help but think they would have chosen another path.
This very professional grade video provides a good overview/introduction to Korea. Thank you. I really enjoyed the infographics although some were hard to read as the print was so small.
Greetings Colleagues! I'm Kathy Keffeler from the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota. I'm the District World Languages Co-ordinator for my school and I also teach ESL and Spanish. Looking forward to meeting and learning with you all!