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  • in reply to: Self-introductions #44480
    Sonia Arrayales

    My name is Sonia Arrayales. I was born and raised in Los Angeles California. I am a second grade teacher for LAUSD. I have taken of course here before and I've enjoyed the classes that are offered and will enjoy taking another one.

    in reply to: Session 5 - November 12, South Korea Today #42418
    Sonia Arrayales

    I can't log on to chat

    in reply to: Self-introductions #42270
    Sonia Arrayales

    My name is Sonia Arrayales. I am a second grade teacher for LAUSD. I am excited to take this course and learn more about the country of Korea and its people. I hope to gather information to pass onto my students. Wishing everyone all the best!

    Sonia Arrayales

    in reply to: session #10 10/21 afternoon (dube) #38928
    Sonia Arrayales

    The use of political cartoons that help in further develop a lesson, can be a poerful tool. The political cartoon are a good way to engage a student. I remember when i would get them in my history classes, and I would always try to decipher what the message that was terying to be conveyed.

    in reply to: session #11 10/23 (dube) china after the cultural revolution #38927
    Sonia Arrayales

    Jane, I really enjoyed reading you post. You gave a lot of detail and insight. It is true that you do always tend to see the soldier, the worker, and the peasant. I believe that the scholars are left out because they question the nature of things and don't take it at face value. It makes sense that they would exclude the people that would not fall in line.

    in reply to: session #9 reading 10/21 morning (dube) #38926
    Sonia Arrayales

    Matthew, I agree with you in the inclusion of political cartoons in history. The persepective that they offer, demonstrates the feelings that the people were experiencing at the time. They also give us insight as to what the views are of other countries and how they are precieved.



    in reply to: Session 12 - Wrap-up seminar #38925
    Sonia Arrayales

    Upon seeing the photos of the Beijin migrants being forced out, it reminded me of the Trail of Tears. The Cherokee being forced out of thier homes with their families and their belongings. In Beijin, we see the same occuring with the migrant workers, They are being forced out of their homes, leaving thier families and thier personal possesions. Just has Andrew Jackson tried to purge the Cherokee, the Beijing officials are doing the same the migrant workers .

    in reply to: session 7 (10/9) - dube (film + 19th century) #38924
    Sonia Arrayales

    As a self strengthener, I believe that we need a stronger China. The biggest challenge that we as Chinese fac is that we need to be modern and current as our Western counterparts. We find ourselves at a turning point. It is imperative that we seek this change. A strong military will protect China, and strong economy benefits all of the Chinese people. By taking the best of the what the West has to offer, and making it fit to our people, our country, we can be a force to be reckoned with.

    in reply to: Make-up Assignments #38919
    Sonia Arrayales

    I must first start off by saying this, I love this place! The price of admission is great too, free!  Maybe just pay for parking :)The garden is so beautiful and my son loved it too. He was enthralled with koi fish and could not get over the size of them. We stood there for what seemed for hours looking at the koi and the bamboo. I must admit that I believe that this is a hidden gem. This garden can give you a sense of tranquilty and peace, in a not so common place. I loved the little tea house that they have. This garden will almost make you feel like you are in Japan. I will definitely add this to my must go to places when ever I am in Long Beach!

    in reply to: Make-up Assignments #38918
    Sonia Arrayales

    Five Myths about North Korea: History and (Mis)Perception since the 1950's, was a lecture that I attended that was sponsored by the National Humaties Center. This was a facinating lecture given Sung-Yoon Lee. He started of by discussing the 5 myths of North Korea that we have and dispelling those myths. He also discussed the extravagant spending of Kim Jong-un, which totaled $645,800,00.  This hefty amount was spent on liquor, watches, cars, handbags, and cosmetics. He went on further to say that North Korea is also involved in the production and selling of narcotics to produce revenue to pay for these luxury items. I have to say I was shocked to hear these things and was left dumbfounded. I was hanging on Sung-Yoon Lee's every word and was glad I attended the lecture. This lecture can be found as well on youtube, under the National Humanities channel. I highly recommend you listen.

    in reply to: National Geographic Kids #38917
    Sonia Arrayales


    I too used Kids National Geographic, and found it to be a very useful website. The simplicity of it and the depth of information that it provides makes it a great learning and teaching tool.



    in reply to: Spirited Away #38916
    Sonia Arrayales

    I too saw this film and loved it. The story plot for younger viewers might be hard to follow, but I believe that for the younger ones it would be best to show it in parts and discuss what we are seeing.

    in reply to: Session 12 - Wrap-up seminar #38890
    Sonia Arrayales

    For my film review, I just could not decided what to watch. I personally like anime, so what came to mind was the film Spirited Away. There is another move that is not appropriate to show in school, but was mentioned was Lust Caution. I am torn between the two, hopefully I can do both.

    in reply to: session #10 10/21 afternoon (dube) #38888
    Sonia Arrayales

    In reading this, I believe we got a real eye opener. To read about what the peasants were going through was difficult. What they did to them was unspeakable. I think that the task that you have planned is a good task to provide to your students.

    in reply to: session #9 reading 10/21 morning (dube) #38887
    Sonia Arrayales

    Jazmine, I believe you hit the nail in the head. I could not agree more with the points that you made in your post. An unblinding faith can compel us to do many things. Also, it is also difficult to see division amongst each other in standing up for believing what is right.

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