Hello everyone, my name is Stella Castro, and I currently am teaching in the city of Cudahy. I am a special education teacher teaching students with multiple disabilities orthopedic, (MDO). I have been teaching about 13 years, I really don’t know how many, but it is in that area. My credential is Moderate/Severe, and therefore I get to teach the severely disabled. However, since I have been teaching, I have never had the type of students I now teach. This time around, my students are severely disabled. . Most are non-verbal, some are autistic, some have Intellectual Disabilities, all have significant motor disabilities, and also some have vision impairments as well as hearing impairments. And one half of the students are gastrointestinal tube fed, (they have G-Tubes), in which they require to have Health Care Assistants in both school/classroom assistance and in the/their bus transportation needs.
This is my introduction, looking forward to meeting all of you face to face in the upcoming weeks of this seminar.
Luis, after reading your comment on that Company you worked for and are takilng about, it would seem as the ideal place to work for. I would surely like to work there with all those ammenties you talk about, however like you said, I feel this Company would definately be the exception. in China. Thanks for sharing.
Kudos to you Cristina for ppplanning on using this strategy in your classroom and upcoming lessons. I bet it would be so much fun to watch and interesting to see how the students in their role play characters. Good Luck
Michelle thanks for sharing this website, you are right it is an excellent reource for teachers and for students as well. I like that thye ahve a book section broken down into appropriate grade levels. Just reading the titles of the books sound fun. I am sure that just in reading some of the titles my studnets would automatically be en thused.
For my make-up assignment I attended the viewing of the movie “Above the Drowning Sea”. This movie was spectacular because of the trials and tribulations the Jewish people had to endure in order to escape Nazi controlled Europe and find refuge and sanctuary in Shanghai. I commend the director, (Rene Balcer), and the producer, (Keith Eisner, who is the son of a Jewish refugee to China) for making this movie, as the tale has to be told.
I really liked and felt so much emotion as the movie began it stated a saying from Primo Levi, and at the moment I was immobilized by the meaning if his words that I was unable to write his saying, but it contained the words, “the real ones are dead’. I wish I could have written his entire quote at the time, I was just penetrated by how real his words were a and the truth and reality of those words. I tried looking that quote up, but was unsuccessful due in part to my lack of having a Net flick account, the History Channel, or access to documentary channels, or going to a red box to rent the video if available. However, Primo Levis words were deeply profound.
This movie was quite emotional for me as I felt the anger and hatred for Hitler, as the movie stated that in the schools they would make the Chinese children sing ”For Hitler we live, for Hitler we die”, and put in their heads what a great man Hitler was. Then there was also a depiction of Jewish people kneeling on the floor, and kissing the ground as the Nazi’s passed by and kicked them for no apparent reason. Just to think of what Hitler did in the Holocaust is nauseating, and I can’t imagine being one of his followers. What were they thinking?
The good part of this movie is how some of the Jewish people were helped out by the Chinese people who saw them for what they were, just people, and tried to help them offering their homes as sanctuaries and refuge, all the while still hiding them out, for I they were it be caught they would face serious harm or injury by the Germans.
The movie goes on to follow several different people and their stories. The stories were all heartwarming and astonishing as well. One man said that all he remembered as a child was FEAR, and fear is not a healthy way for a child to be growing up in.
I recall a statement in the movie of how women would throw flowers at Hitler. The thought of this act makes me wonder what was going through these women’s heads at the time. Certainly they must not have known what an awful, evil and horrendous man Hitler was and is.
Another sad and disgusting thing this movie mentioned was that the kids would be put out in the streets on collection mats to be picked up as garbage. Who in their right minds would do this to children?
Finally a Mr. Ho Feng Shen , a Chinese consul decided to help the Jewish people and opened his doors to Shanghai, and once there if the Jewish people could make it there, the Chinese people allowed the Jewish people to live among them, even though they did not have anything, that they were poor. However if the Jewish people were caught trying to escape Vienna, they would be executed or tortured. It is a good thought that the Chinese people accepted the Jewish people to live among them.
This movie fits as an educational movie and should be shown throughout the different cities, in schools, and colleges, to teach students the reality of the horror the Jewish people had to brave in order to remain alive.
The photography in this movie was good, and the narration by Julienne Margulies, (an American actress) was excellent in her tone of voice. I give a standing ovation to the producer of this movie as; this story is a reality of what the Jewish people had to go through, in trying to escape Austria
However in the readings pertaining to the “Principles of Warriors”, I like the line where, YURANNOSUKE, says, “The proper decorum must be observed even when killing him” (.pg.176 a little past the middle). Implying that, although, what one does, if they are of status, and if one is to demise, then one should demise in the proper way/manner for a person of authority/power. I thought this point was/is cool as it regards even the enemy as being very personable, to the point of almost being like.
I could use this is reading to teach my students respect and understanding, compassion, sportsmanship and integrity. To understand the elements of fair play and good sportsmanship, respect for the rights and opinions of others and respect for rules by which we live including the meaning of the Golden rule, this being an Alternate curriculum standard. I can teach my students to believe in themselves, and that they can accomplish much if they apply themselves to being the best in all they do, to strive for the top and if they do not make it there at least they did try.
This session was particularly interesting to me because of the passion of the professor/teacher. He seemed to really enjoy talking and sharing about his expertise in the history of Japan. He seemed to have a passion in his talks, and was very knowledgeable of what he was saying. What I found interesting about his talk was that he shared the information that he had visited a bath house, where the men are bathe by women who try to, “Arouse them”, and (quote, unquote). I found it interesting that he shared this information. Actually in my younger years, in the neighborhood where I lived there was a place that advertised, “Turkish Baths”, and I always wondered what that meant since I lived/resided in a Latino community and I often wondered and questioned the fact that I knew of no “Turkish people”, living in the area. I would wonder about the neighborhood looking to see if I saw a strange looking person that might be or resembled a Turkish person, but then again I didn’t know what a Turkish person would look like, (I was a child). But all I saw was the common Latinos walking about. So I thought maybe they were a special breed that came out only at night. This place/building had stairs that led downstairs/underground and not too many places in my neighborhood/ community had this type of stairs. The only other buildings/structures with the stairs leading down, I had previously seen were in Downtown Los Angeles, and I found this quite odd. But they were advertised as restaurants, and they were. I made it a point to myself to frequent one of the restaurants because I thought it quite interesting to enter a restaurant by going down stairs. At the time my family had no money to eat out, we were poor, but always in my mind I wanted to go to a downstairs restaurant. So when this Turkish bath house appeared in my neighborhood, I thought they might also sell food. But it did occur to me, (I was a child back then), why would a bathhouse be situated in my neighborhood. Didn’t all people living in my community have houses where there have a bathroom where they could take their own showers? I also remember that I visited Mexico as a child and we would have to go to a public bath house where one would pay for the water, (hot water mind you), and take a very quick shower or else the water would stop/close on you if you were not quick one would remain soapy. So I related this Turkish bathhouse to those of Mexico. Now years later I finally have the answer to what a Turkish bathhouse is. And now I know why I would usually only see men around, who would frequent this bathhouse. I thought discrimination, once again towards women. Little did I know?
Anyhow, the passion of the professor/teacher was there in citing all the history of Japan. That it got to a point that he had to be stopped by Clay, as the time was already at 8:00 p.m. the time class is to end.
I also have visited Pearl harbor, and all i can remember is the great sadness I felt in my heart knowing of all the death that occured because of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It was a solemn and sad day for all those visiting Pearl Harbor, I noticed all the people were not talking, they just walked about like zombies, and some were crying. It was supposed to be a fun day, and after visiting Pearl Harbor, we were supposed to go out and have some fun, but after leaving this place all I/we wanted to do was go back to the hotel. Sadness took over!
Jaqueline, I also was intrigued by this reading as I also thought of how young these chidren were,being taught to do had to hand combat, how to simulate throwing hand grenades, how to use swords, and how to change into their air raid clothings. These chidren are young,and in the case of Nakane how she seems to damn the Americans and the British and states that she will be sure to seek revenge, And all the while she seeks to become a better and perfect child.
Valerie I totally agree with you when you say that the students are more engaged and interested when you make personal connections. This also happes to me. I find that their interest levels rise, when I add personal comments or stories anout myself to the lesson. Then the students try harder and I find tis to be awesome. I also always give them many words of encouragement and also tell them to try and do their best.
I apologize but I really do not have much to say of this session, not that it wasn’t interesting , but for the mere fact that I got locked out of the classroom for quite a while, and I missed much of the information that was to be had and learned. I felt cheated because of this mishap, but oh well, nothing gained by complaining about the past. I just hope that in the following Saturdays that we are to attend this seminar, no games are held on those Saturdays. In this session it started off really good, In session two, the teacher did a wonderful job of coinciding the history of Korea, in the short time me that we had and considering that the teacher was having a hard time with the heat,(It was hot in that classroom), however it was interesting because in his session is where I learned about how married people wear their hair, (women in a bun and the men with their hair on top of their head, this was a wow moment for me. The teacher talked about the dynasties, the names and their power of authority, and of the benefits of the people born into those families. I was looking forward to learning more, but unfortunately this didn’t happen because of the aforementioned mishap. However, in the response section we are also allowed to comment on the readings and again because it seemed as if the readings were posted late, I did read all of the session one readings, but was unable to read all of session two readings, (I shouldn’t be so honest, but that is my nature), I did read a couple of them, but the one about the cranes, and again, (I’m being honest), I hate to admit I did not understand it. Although it is/was a folklore tale, and folklores always tend to have a point, I missed the point. I guess I will have to re-read it. But whatever I did get to listen to, in this session was very and quite interesting.
Wow I was really impressed with class on Saturday the 9th. It was so interesting to learn so many new things about Asia, the economy, the culture, the names, the landscape, their dress to name a few things. The teachers also made it a great fun and interesting experience. I couldn’t believe on my drive home, how much I am looking forward to the next class. Although there was so much information to be had the one thing that stuck to my head, was how when a couple gets married, how they wear their hair. I often wondered why so many men would wear their hair up, and women would wear their hair in a bun. Now, I know, and now when I see a person wearing their hair in this manner, I know they are a married person. In addition to all the great information I learned, this detail made me knowledgeable of something I never knew. Although this may not seem important to many, it is new knowledge for myself, and I am happy that now I have my often wondered question answered.
One of the readings that was so interesting and fascinating to me was the “Treaty of Nanjing( Nanking), and how in Article II, the British, “would be allowed to reside , for the purposes of carrying on their mercantile pursuits without molestation or restraint”, this I found quite interesting, as it seemed this was a sort of back-stabbing. All of the articles were so interesting to read. I was thoroughly enjoying reading each and every word.
All the reading are top notch information. Thanks.
Hello everyone, my name is Stella Castro and I teach special education, Multiple Disabilities Orthopedic, (MDO), moderate/severe, 6-8 grade at Elizabeth Learning Center in the city of Cudahy. I have been teaching for about 11 years, but for the first 6 years, I taught the Autism class. I really enjoy my job and my students. I have to admit that I have not really taught my students much about the Asian culture, but I have taught them about Chinese new Year , and the calendar, telling them what type of animal they represent according to the year they were born. I have brought Chinese food into the classroom, for all to sample, and have read to them many books on Chinese’s culture, their traditions, and the folklore tales, which are really fun and interesting, since sometimes they answer many questions, about real life. These stories have enlightened even myself.
Is that Korean seminar the one that is offered through LAUSD?, if it is I have heard wonderful things about it, and how much fun and interesting it is. I plan on taking it next summer if they still offer it. I also hope to visit China next year if I am succesful and meet all the requirements for this seminar, (as is stated in the Grapevine I think that is where i read that, but it could of been somewhere else). Hopefully the dates dont overlap. However I am confident that I WILL meet all requirements, so China here I come.